Corporate file sharing

MFlash is a Russian platform for secure file exchange and data access. The service combines functionality and ease of use, broad administration capabilities, control and protection of corporate data.
Link settings
Submitting Big Data
Shared access
Access Lists
Audit logs
Integration with
information security
Integration with AD
Who is it for
Business Business
IS department IS
IT department IT
Interaction with counterparties Convenient and secure exchange of large files between employees of the organization and counterparties
Friendly UI The system does not require additional training for the user
Mobility Ability to work "on the go" - mobile applications for IOS and Android
Version control While one user is processing the file, other users can access it in read mode
Link settings Wide configurable possibilities when forming a link to a file / folder
Workspace The ability to create a collaborative workspace for project implementation
Backup Back up documents in real time
Co-editing Simultaneous online work of users with documents, tables, presentations
File sharing moderation Controlled trusted process of file exchange with counterparties
Two-factor authentication The ability to integrate with an sms provider to provide a second factor of authentication
Role-based access model A set of templates of ready-made roles, with the ability to create new ones in accordance with the access matrix
Access limitation Ability to restrict access at the IP and subnet level
White and black lists Ability to restrict access at the IP and subnet level, mail domains
Audit Logging of all actions of users and administrators
Integration with information security Integrates with antivirus, DLP, sandboxes to increase the level of protection against external and internal threats
Data encryption MFlash can be configured to use any required encryption method
Low TCO The architecture of the Mflash system can be deployed both within the network perimeter of the organization and in the corporate data center.
Flexible arhitecture The architecture of the Mflash system can be deployed both within the network perimeter of the organization and in the corporate data center.
Cross-platform Ability to work in both Windows and Unix environments
Configuring Wide possibilities for configuring the system, taking into account individual requirements
Integration with AD Group Policy and Advanced AD Enterprise Directory Integration
Multilingual Support for languages ​​such as: Russian, German and English. If necessary, the list of languages ​​can be supplemented
System customization Platform customization according to corporate requirements

Today, working outside the office has become a daily routine. To be able to work remotely, you need a corporate tool that will allow you not to fall out of the workflow, regardless of place and time.

MFlash solution
Using the MFlash mobile application, you can securely access, edit, and share files from your tablet or smartphone, regardless of time and location, without the need for a VPN. The app is available for iOS and Android platforms.
Syncronization and collboration between distributed offices
The structure of large organizations is usually geographically dispersed. In such conditions, it is very important to provide employees with the opportunity to work together, as if they are in the same office.
MFlash solution
MFlash platform allows distributed employees to work together, regardless of the geographical location of the office, file size, bandwidth, quality of IT infrastructure.
Organization of information support for projects with the participation of external contractors

Quite often, when implementing projects, employees of third-party organizations are involved for a fixed period of time. Information exchange requires a convenient workspace that meets security requirements, without the need for constant intervention by the IT department.

MFlash solution
Using MFlash solves these problems. The guest portal is implemented on the basis of a web interface, does not require the use of a client and provides file exchange between employees and contractors. At the same time, the received files are checked for malware. An account for a guest user is created automatically when an invitation is received from an internal user or after a link is received.
Secure file sharing

The use of public services, as a rule, occurs outside of corporate regulations, the so-called Shadow-it, and leads to the risks of implementing information security threats – information leakage and infection of the company's infrastructure with malicious code.

MFlash solution
The platform is implemented inside the perimeter of the organization, behind the corporate firewall, which allows you to create a fully controlled and secure environment for working with data. The system integrates with the corporate directory service, using a role‑based approach and centralized access control. All communications are carried out through an encrypted transport mechanism (TLS). Data on the server can also be stored in encrypted form (AES‑256)
Large file transfer and mail server optimization

One example of using Exchange Server is the mass distribution of documents to group addresses. In this case, there is a possibility of overflow of individual mailboxes of recipients, and the inability to send documents that exceed the established limits of the size of the application to the email (usually no more than 10 MB).

Solution using Exchange Server

Solution using MFlash

MFlash solution
Using the MFlash plug-in for MS Outlook (for versions starting from 2010) removes all these problems and limitations. The user can use the familiar Outlook interface to send both a document from their PC and a document already stored in MFlash, without limiting its size, in the form of a link.
Collaborative editing

When a group of employees is working on creating documents, there are often problems related to versioning, the sequence of changes, and the speed of work.

MFlash solution
With the help of the collaboration module, employees can simultaneously edit documents that are on MFlash online, make comments and track changes. At the same time, all files are stored and processed on the company's servers.
Information support for negotiations

As a rule, to provide the necessary information for negotiations, several employees are involved, often IT departments, and printed materials are prepared (at one time).

MFlash solution
With MFlash, you can digitally transform the process of delivering content to meeting rooms. For this purpose, tablets (iOS, android) with the MFlash application installed on them are used for each meeting room.Before the meeting, the responsible employee puts the file on the" flash drive " MFlash and they are centrally downloaded on each tablet.
File exchange transformation
Exchange Server
File servers
Public FOs
Limit on downloads over 10 mb
Duplicate Prevention
E-mail is the most common tool for exchanging information, while it has restrictions on the size of the files it can upload. Also, e-mail is often used by cybercriminals for phishing and spreading ransomware viruses. MFlash has no limits on the size of the transferred file. At the same time, when working with counterparties, a trustful and fully controlled exchange of information is provided.
Safety problems
Requires an administrator
Vulnerabilities for attackers
The SMB protocol is vulnerable and is often exploited by cybercriminals to organize attacks, including the spread of ransomware viruses. Access to data stored on MFlash is carried out through a web server using a secure proprietary protocol. In this case, the web server and the data server can be located on two different physical servers.
Safety problems
VPN required for remote access
Restrictions on transferring large files
The file server is suitable for intra-corporate interaction, but questions arise when providing remote access to employees and information exchange with contractors. MFlash provides secure access to data from any device, anytime, from anywhere.
Illegal access
Information leak
Absence on premise
Often, employees use personal accounts on public file exchangers to work with corporate information (Shadow-IT). This leads to risks of leakage and loss of corporate information. When working with MFlash, all data is stored within the organization's network perimeter, in a secure, regulated environment. All user actions are logged, integration with a corporate DLP system is possible to prevent the process of leaks.

The MFlash DRM module is an additional add-on for the MFlash system, it allows you to classify documents stored in MFlash using and assign user access rights to them, taking into account the multidimensional DRM system privacy model, while the rights are inherited when synchronizing and transferring data from workstations and mobile devices, creating new documents, data copying

  • Classification of documents stored on the MFlash server.
  • Assignment of access rights to documents taking into account classification and multidimensional matrix of categories.
  • Inheritance of rights when transferring files from / to MFlash storage
Outlook Plugin

The Outlook plugin is an additional add-on for the MFlash system. If the file attached to the email exceeds a certain size (for example, 10 MB), it is automatically placed in the user's outlook folder on MFlash and converted into a link that is sent to the counterparty. This solves the problem of transferring large files and frees up space on the mail server.

  • Ability to transfer large files via Outlook.
  • Offloading Mail Server Storage

The MFlashDLP module is an additional add-on for the M Flash system, which allows you to detect and block the appearance of confidential information on MFlash and notify the DLP administrator when the corresponding policies are triggered.

  • Ready-made connectors for common DLP systems
  • When files are created, modified, or moved, they are sent to DLP policies for review
  • If the policy is violated, the information security officer receives an alert

Using an open interface, Flash can integrate with an Anti-apt solution, which allows you to block the download of malicious files to the platform, and their further distribution within the organization.

  • Ready-made connector for Kaspersky Anti-AGE
  • Configurable list of file types to check
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